General Safety
For personal safety as well as to maintain our buildings and grounds, Northland College has established several policies.
- Climbing or repelling on any campus buildings or the wind tower is prohibited.
- All roofs on campus are off limits to everyone except authorized maintenance personnel.
- Basements and attics in college-owned houses (Gaia’s and Solomon’s Ring) are off limits to everyone except authorized Maintenance personnel.
- Removing screens from, jumping from, or climbing out of any campus building window is prohibited.
- The wooden bridges and sidewalks on campus are for pedestrian traffic only. All motorized vehicles are prohibited from using them. There will be times when authorized campus vehicles will be permitted on sidewalks to complete job-related activities.
- Snowmobiles and ATVs may not be operated on campus grounds. If you bring a snowmobile or ATV to campus; it must be registered with the Maintenance Department. Those students registering one of these machines will be sent a copy of the city ordinance governing their use in the city.
- Fireworks of every kind are prohibited on campus.
- Cut trees or bushes (i.e. Christmas trees) are prohibited in residence halls and residential housing units.
- Halogen torch style lamps are prohibited in all residential facilities.
- Candles, oil lamps, incense or other items that produce an open flame are prohibited.
Emergency Notifications
Northland College has a state-of-the-art notification system, E2Campus, capable of sending emergency notifications instantly and simultaneously to all registered mobile phones, wireless PDAs, pagers, smartphones, satellite phones, and e-mail addresses. Northland College students and employees are automatically registered to receive E2Campus Notifications; however, each user must log in to add personal information. This is the surest way for users to receive notifications critical to their safety and well being as well as other emergency-related campus information.
Northland College email addresses and phone lines are automatically added to the system. Users may register up to two SMS (text messaging) devices and one additional e-mail address.
Technical support is available by contacting the IT Help Desk at (715) 682-1855 or
Tornadoes and Severe Weather
During a tornado warning, members of the Northland College community are advised to seek shelter in the lowest level interior corridor of their office building, residence hall, townhouse or theme house, and to keep away from any windows. Residents who are in the building during a tornado warning must follow procedures as directed by Northland College personnel.
Power Outages
If there is a power outage in a room or a common area of an on-campus building or residential unit, individuals should contact Campus Safety or Office of Residential Life immediately. Resident hall or on-campus housing power outages may be immediately reported to the corresponding RA or HRA. Do not attempt to fix or diagnose electrical issues.
If a residential unit or campus loses power, residents are encouraged to remain in their rooms and follow instructions issued by Residential Life staff. Do not use candles or other open flames for lighting. Keep a flashlight nearby.
In the event of an outage, turn off all computers, lights and appliances to avoid a surge on the system when power is restored. Ensure someone remains with any disabled persons who become stranded as a result of the outage. If additional assistance is required, contact Campus Safety.
Fire Alarms and Drills
When an alarm is sounded, it should be treated as an emergency. It is in violation of Northland College policy for any person to not respond to a fire alarm.
During an alarm:
- Put on shoes/coat.
- Close window and open curtains.
- Touch door to see if it is hot, if so, stay in room and try to attract attention through window.
- If door is not hot, turn off lights and other electrical appliances.
- Close the door but leave it unlocked.
- Exit building.
- Remain outside until fire department gives the all clear.
Fire Drills
Each term, the Office of Residential Life conducts fire drills to help residents prepare for a potential fire alarm/fire. Residents are expected to abide by the directions of the staff during fire drills and fire alarms, and in real emergency situations.
Fire Equipment
It is illegal to tamper, in any way, with firefighting equipment (extinguishers and hoses), emergency lights, exit signs, or smoke detectors. To do so unnecessarily endangers others in the event of a crisis. All violators of this policy will be prosecuted in accordance with the law. Students who reside in an area in which a smoke detector is disconnected, turned off or tampered with, causing the device to malfunction, will be referred for disciplinary action and charged for repair/replacement of the device. Each smoke detector is equipped with a battery backup. In the event that a battery charge is low, a beep will be heard. Please notify the appropriate official immediately to facilitate the changing of the battery.
Each smoke detector is equipped with a battery backup. In the event that a battery charge is low, a beep will be heard. Residents are required to notify an RA or RHD immediately to facilitate the changing of the battery.
Fire Hazards
The following are considered fire hazards and may not be stored or used in campus buildings, residence halls or housing units:
- Any type of fuel (camp stove, gas, kerosene)
- Any machine/equipment, which requires the above to operate
- Homemade lofts or decks
- Anything blocking windows or doorways (i.e. tapestry hung in doorway, bicycle hung in front of window, etc.).
- Bicycles, etc., in hallways and lounges
- Halogen or torch style lamps. Due to the high level of danger associated with this style of light as well as the extreme energy inefficiency of halogen lamps, Northland College does not allow this type of fixture in residence hall rooms. Any student found in possession of this style of lamp will be required to remove the lamp.
- Cut trees or bushes (i.e. Christmas trees)
- Hallways and stairwells must remain clear of resident items to allow for a safe fire exit. Items stored inappropriately will be removed without owner’s consent.
- Incense, candles, oil lamps, and other open-flame objects are not permitted in residence hall rooms, housing units or living areas.
- Anything that can be reasonably determined to be a hazard by campus administrators.
Flammable Liquids, Chemicals & Open Flames
The possession and use of any harmful chemicals, flammable liquids/lighter fluid, firecrackers, and/or other explosives in on-campus buildings, residence halls or immediate vicinity is prohibited.
Firearms, Weapons, and Explosives
For the protection and safety of all hall residents and the campus community, rifles, shotguns, airguns, paint-ball guns, black powder guns, bows, arrows, wrist rockets, slingshots, blowguns, etc. are not allowed in residence halls or any place on campus but the designated Hunting Equipment Storage Room.
Handguns are not allowed anywhere on the Northland College campus.
All weapons must be registered with Campus Safety and must be stored in the Hunting Equipment Storage Room as directed by Campus Safety. Fireworks of any kind are not allowed anywhere on campus. Violations of any of these policies will result in disciplinary action. Please follow the guidelines for storing weapons under Fire Arm/Weapon Storage Procedure. Since Northland College is private property, all buildings have posted signs prohibiting weapons from being brought into any campus building.
Firearms and Weapons Storage
Any weapon brought onto the Northland College campus grounds must be stored in the Gun Room. Guns are defined as rifles, shotguns, air guns, air soft guns, pellet guns, paintball guns, black powder guns, and BB guns. Gun regulations also apply to all strung bows, crossbows, compound bows, wrist rockets, slingshots, and blowguns.
Handguns are not allowed anywhere on the Northland College campus.
A student found guilty of possessing a gun on the campus in violation of College rules may be suspended from the College.
Procedure for Guns Brought onto Campus
- All guns must be registered and stored in the College Gun Room upon being brought to campus.
- Guns may not be kept or stored in any other College rooms or houses. Guns/weapons are not permitted to be stored in vehicles.
- Northland College assumes responsibility for guns while in storage in the Gun Room.
- Contact Campus Safety at 715-682-1399 to set up an appointment to store a weapon/fire arm. You will need a photo ID to store a weapon.
- You must bring your unloaded gun and ammo, bow and arrows, in a sealed case to have the items stored. All items must remain in a sealed case when stored.
- A Gun Registration Card will be issued for each gun placed in storage.
- Guns may be checked out of storage only by showing the Gun Registration Card and a Northland College Photo ID Card/Driver’s License.
- The Gun Registration Card will be retained by the Campus Safety staff who checks a gun out of storage.
- No person will be allowed to check out a gun belonging to another person.
- The Gun Registration Card will be returned to the gun’s owner when the gun is returned to storage.
- Campus Safety will log the time a gun is removed from storage and the time it is returned.
- When a gun is removed from storage permanently, the Gun Registration Card will be retained by the Campus Safety.
- Guns on the campus, in Ashland city limits, must never be loaded and must be cased when being transported.
- Guns/weapons should be cleaned off campus prior to returning; the College does not have a cleaning room. If an individual is on campus and needs to clean a weapon, you may only clean the fire arm in the supervised Gun Room. Weapons may not be cleaned anywhere else on campus.
- Ammunition and arrows must be stored in the Gun Room. Residents may not store ammunition or arrows in the residential halls.
- Students may only store small quantities of ammunition (one to two boxes of bullets/shot and fewer than ten arrows) in the Gun Room. All ammunition and arrows must be properly stored in boxes or cases. Bulk cases/crates/boxes of ammunition may not be stored in any residential unit.
- The residential life and campus safety staff reserves the right to ask students to store any item they feel could potential detrimental to the residence hall community.
- The use of guns on campus is subject to civil law. Northland College is within the Ashland city limits. Among other pertinent laws, local ordinances require that guns must be unloaded and cased within city limits and while in a moving vehicle. Further, it is prohibited to fire a firearm within city limits.
Parking Policy
To purchase a parking permit, click here, login if you aren’t already, and then click on the “Go to CASHNet” link which will take you to a page where you can purchase a student parking permit. New students will be provided an opportunity to buy a parking permit during orientation. Parking permits are purchased online and actual parking passes will be placed in campus mailboxes prior to the start of the academic year. Permits purchased after classes start or during a semester, will be processed in real time and permits placed in campus mailboxes. Parking enforcement begins upon a student’s arrival to campus. Northland College assumes no liability for loss or damage to any vehicle or its contents while parked on college property.
View parking map.
Overnight Parking
Overnight parking is allowed on campus for vehicles displaying a current parking permit in the following locations:
- Memorial Hall lot: Student parking permit required 24 hours a day. The west row of parking lot is always reserved for faculty and staff only.
- McMillan Hall lot: Student parking permit required 24 hours a day.
- Ponzio Campus Center lot: Public parking 7 am – 1 am, student parking permit required to park in designated overnight spaces.
- Ring Road lots: Public parking 7 am – 1 am, student permit required for overnight parking.
- Baseball field lot: Public parking 7 am – 1 am, student permit required for overnight parking.
- CSE /Fenenga lot: Public parking 7 am – 1 am, student permit required for overnight parking.
- Good Shepherd Church lot: Public parking 7 am – 1 am, student permit required for overnight parking, Overnight parking is not permitted from Saturday at 12 pm through Monday 8 am.
Other Parking Regulations
- No overnight parking is allowed in the Brownell Hall lot, president’s house log, or in the Ponzio Campus Center lot (except for the reserved area in front of the Townhouses and MELLC apartments Or as designated by signs).
- No employee or student parking is allowed in the visitor spaces near Wakefield Hall, Wheeler Hall, or Brownell Hall weekdays from 8 am to 4:30 pm. Handicap parking is allowed for vehicles displaying a valid handicapped parking permit.
- Physical plant visitor parking is reserved for individuals making short visits to the Physical Plant Office. No overnight parking is allowed. Individuals picking up vans will have parking information included in their rental materials.
- Due to limited parking facilities, only typical passenger vehicles (i.e. sedans, trucks, SUV’s etc.) are allowed to register for on-campus parking facilities. Motorcycles require the purchase of a parking permit. Vehicles and equipment of a non-typical passenger nature (i.e. tractors, buses, RV’s, non-Northland College trailers) cannot be issued a parking permit. Boats may be parked on campus pending approval from Campus Safety.
Enforcement and Special Conditions
- Campus Safety staff will enforce the parking policies. Students and employees will be required to leave vehicles in designated lot areas when they will be off campus during the snow plowing season.
- Lots will be closed as needed for snow plowing and maintenance. Notification will be given by posting temporary signs in lots giving the day and hours the lot will be closed for plowing or maintenance. Campus-wide email notices will also be sent out by Campus Safety or facilities maintenance when lot closures are scheduled. If vehicles are left in closed lots and they interfere with snow removal or maintenance, they may be ticketed and towed at the registered owner’s expense.
- Vehicles parked in “No Parking” areas, delivery or service areas, or in fire lanes will be ticketed. Vehicles may be towed at the registered owner’s expense if they interfere with public safety, grounds care, or snow removal.
- Visitor parking is allowed with a temporary permit. Temporary permits may be obtained by first calling Campus Safety, 715-682-1399, to schedule a visit in Mead Hall 237.
- Unpaid parking tickets will be sent to the city of Ashland or billed to the vehicle operator’s student account.